
Parallel XCTest - Execute XCTest suites in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators.

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION


Parallel XCTest - Execute XCTest suites in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators.

Build Status


To install via Homebrew you can use the plu/homebrew-pxctest tap:

brew tap plu/pxctest
brew install pxctest


Compile your tests with build-for-testing, example:

xcodebuild \
  -IDEBuildLocationStyle=Custom \
  -IDECustomBuildLocationType=Absolute \
  -IDECustomBuildProductsPath="$PWD/build/Products" \
  -scheme 'MyApp' \
  -workspace 'MyApp.xcworkspace' \
  -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5,OS=10.1' \

In build/Products you should find a .xctestrun file. This can then be passed to pxctest:

pxctest \
  run-tests \
  --destination 'name=iPhone 5,os=iOS 9.3' \
  --destination 'name=iPhone 5,os=iOS 10.1' \
  --testrun build/Products/MyApp_iphonesimulator10.1-i386.xctestrun

The --destination option can be passed in several times and will execute the tests in parallel on all Simulators.


run-tests options

--testrun - Path to the .xctestrun file.
--deviceset - Path to the Simulator device set.
--locale - Locale to set for the Simulator.
--preferences - Path to some preferences.json to be applied with the Simulator.
--only - Comma separated list of tests that should be executed only. Example: TestClass1/testFoo,TestClass2/testBar
--destination - A comma-separated set of key=value pairs describing the destination to use, just like xcodebuild -destination.
--timeout - Timeout in seconds for the test execution to finish.

Most of the options should be self explanatory. If not, please open an issue or submit pull requests. However the --preferences option needs a special section here.

run-tests --preferences

This option expects a path to a file, which contains some JSON. After loading the file, its content gets applied to the Simulator's preferences property list file located at Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preferences.plist.

Example: You can turn off all keyboard settings that you can find in the Simulator's Settings app by using this JSON content:

  "KeyboardAllowPaddle": false,
  "KeyboardAssistant": false,
  "KeyboardAutocapitalization": false,
  "KeyboardAutocorrection": false,
  "KeyboardCapsLock": false,
  "KeyboardCheckSpelling": false,
  "KeyboardPeriodShortcut": false,
  "KeyboardPrediction": false,
  "KeyboardShowPredictionBar": false

For this operation being successful, the Simulator must not be launched yet when using the --preferences option.


After cloning the repository run this script:



The functionality provided by pxctest would not be possible without the great FBSimulatorControl Framework provided by Lawrence Lomax at Facebook.

There are two command line tools that come with FBSimulatorControl:

  • fbsimctl - command line interface to the FBSimulatorControl Framework
  • fbxctest - test runner for running iOS testing bundles for the iOS Simulator Platform

Both of them are more flexible than pxctest, so it might be worth having a look at them.

