
baby project to practice authentication / authorization

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A toy project created and designed to practice Authorization and Authentication using MongoDB, Redux, and React.

Table of contents

General info

A fullstack application using a MongoDB database, Node and Express server, and React frontend. The application is built to practice several aspects of fullstack development- server side testing with Jest, authorization with JWT, and writing a backend with mongoose. On the frontend, Redux was used for more auth practice, while I also used two new technologies: react-toastify and react-bootstrap.


homepage updating

Technologies - Backend

  • Node - version 12.3.1
  • Express - version 4.17.1
  • jsonwebtoken - version 8.5.1
  • mongoose - version 5.10.7

Technologies - Frontend

  • React - version 16.13.1
  • Redux - version 4.0.5
  • react-redux - version 7.2.0
  • react-bootstrap - version 1.3.0
  • react-toastify - version 6.0.9
  • axios - version 0.19.2


  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/drregg6/repository.git
  1. Install NPM packages
npm install


List of features ready and TODOs for future development

  • User feedback featuring react-toastify
  • Users can create an account, read all users, update their information, and delete their account
  • Public and private routes dictate where users and guests may travel

To-do list:

  • Responsive CSS


Project is: The project is on-going and in progress with features that could potentially be added to make it go from mediocre to good.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Dave Regg - @daveregg - dave.r.regg@gmail.com

Project Link: auth-project