Recreating a less polished version of Reddit using React and Redux as the client side and Firebase Firestore for the backend. Bulma is used to style the pages.
Inspired by The Coding Garden's YouTube code along. However, the video used Vue/Vuex, while I was more inspired to create the clone with React/Redux. The application uses Firebase Firestore methods to interact with the backend. The client and store is created with my own React/Redux Boilerplate with create-react-app as the base.
- Node - version 12.3.1
- React - version 16.13.1
- Sass - version 1.26.5
- firebase - version 7.23.0
- date-fns - version 2.16.1
- bulma - version 0.9.1
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Set up a Firebase/Firestore
- Generate Vue App
- Create Firebase Project
- Add Firebase Auth
- Save user on login
- Update Rules
- Add a few subreddits in Firestore
- philadelphia
- programming
- pics
- funny
- Show Subreddits on Home Page
- Show Single Subreddit
- New Post Form
- Update Rules
- Display Posts on Subreddit Page
- Types: Image/Text/Url
- Hide submit form if not logged in
- Show Usernames
- Show User Images
- Format Dates
- Fix card formatting
- Search/Filter Posts
- UpVote/DownVote Posts
- Update Rules
- Order by total score
- Order by created
- Add comment to Post
- Update Rules
- User Profile
- Show Submitted Posts
- Show Comments
- Edit User
- Edit Post
- Edit Comment
- Reply to Comment
- Display Error Image if bad link/error
- Cloud Function Score Aggregator (???)
- Delete Post
- Cloud Function "Cascade Delete" comments
- Upload Images to Firebase storage
Project is: in progress
The project is a inspired by The Coding Garden
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Dave Regg - @daveregg -
Project Link: Dave Regg's Personal Reddit