
Codes for in-class collaboration for the course: MATH 4370/6370, Parallel Scientific Computing, at Southern Methodist University

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Codes for in-class collaboration for the course: Parallel Scientific Computing (MATH 4370/6370) at Southern Methodist University.

These codes require working C, C++11, and Fortran-90 compilers that support OpenMP, a working MPI installation (preferably with the mpicc, mpicxx and mpifort wrapper scripts and mpiexec launcher), and the "make" program, and are designed to be compiled/run at the Linux/OSX command line. For the raja branch, we additionally require that RAJA v0.12.1 or higher is installed, with the CUDA backend (this introduces additional dependencies) -- if your computer has an NVIDIA graphics card or GPU accelerator, then RAJA and its dependencies maybe easily installed using Spack.

Note: we use branches to focus on specific code types:

  • main: serial
  • openmp: shared-memory parallelization via OpenMP
  • mpi: distributed-memory parallelization via MPI
  • raja: accelerator-based parallelism with RAJA (C++ only)
  • kokkos: accelerator-based parallelism with Kokkos (C++ only)

Daniel R. Reynolds
Mathematics @ SMU