= ENZO = ENZO IS AN OPEN SOURCE CODE. We encourage you to take it, inspect it, use it, and contribute back any changes you have made. We strive to make the the Enzo community a community of *developers*. == RESOURCES == Enzo is developed in the open at: * http://enzo.googlecode.com/ Documentation, including instructions for compilation, can be found at: * http://docs.enzo.googlecode.com/hg/index.html Please subscribe to the Enzo Users' mailing list at: * https://mailman.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/enzo-users-l If you have received this source code through an archive, rather than the mercurial version control system, we highly encourage you to upgrade to the version controlled source, as no support can be provided for archived ("tarball") sources. == DEVELOPERS == Many people have contributed to the development of Enzo -- here's just a short list of the people who have recently contributed. * Greg Bryan gbryan@astro.columbia.edu * Tom Abel tabel@stanford.edu * Michael Norman mlnorman@ucsd.edu * John Wise jwise@astro.princeton.edu * Dan Reynolds reynolds@smu.edu * Michael Kuhlen mqk@astro.berkeley.edu * Matthew Turk matthewturk@gmail.com * Brian O'Shea oshea@msu.edu * Robert Harkness harkness@sdsc.edu * Alexei Kritsuk akritsuk@ucsd.edu * Elizabeth Tasker taskere@mcmaster.ca * Dave Collins dcollins@physics.ucsd.edu * Britton Smith brittonsmith@gmail.com * Elizabeth Harper-Clark h-clark@astro.utoronto.ca * Peng Wang pengw@slac.stanford.edu * Fen Zhao fenzhao@stanford.edu * James Bordner jobordner@ucsd.edu * Pascal Paschos ppaschos@minbari.ucsd.edu * Stephen Skory sskory@physics.ucsd.edu * Rick Wagner rwagner@physics.ucsd.edu * Renyue Cen cen@astro.princeton.edu * Alex Razoumov razoumov@gmail.com * Cameron Hummels chummels@astro.columbia.edu * JS Oishi jsoishi@gmail.com * Christine Simpson csimpson@astro.columbia.edu