Open Vote app


This app was created for assistance in monitoring the elections of deputies of the State Duma of Russia, regional and local elections. The app allows checking candidates and voting in parallel to create own clear voting statistics.

Tech stack

  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Mail
  • Angular
  • JHipster
  • PostgreSQL
  • Liquibase
  • JUnit 5


Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine:

  1. Node.js: After installing Node you will need to run this command when dependencies change in package.json.
npm install

Run the following commands in two separate terminals


npm start

Building for production

Packaging as jar

To build the final jar and optimize the application for production, run:

./mvnw -Pprod clean verify

This will concatenate and minify the client CSS and JavaScript files. It will also modify index.html so it references these new files. To ensure everything worked, run:

java -jar target/*.jar

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.


To launch your application's tests, run:

./mvnw verify