
Source for my website and blog.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Neon Tsunami

Circle CI


This is the source code for my website/blog Neon Tsunami. I open sourced it as an example to other developers who might want to see how a real-world Laravel application might be put together. I've worked on a number of large production apps and this is just a taste of my (largely opinionated) style in a smaller app.

If you're interested in seeing how I did things on Laravel 4.2, take a look at the last commit using 4.2.


The tests for this application are written using the integrated Laravel testing suite.

If you're intested in seeing how I did things before the integration testing functionality was full-featured, take a look at the last commit using the older PHPUnit assertion style tests.


This repository also contains an old .envoy.blade.php file, a configuration file for Laravel Envoy. It may serve as a useful reference for those who prefer to use Envoy for deployments.


The Neon Tsunami website is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license