
Mixing different programming languages

Primary LanguageZig


This repo aims at collecting the ways to mix languages together.

Export to C

Most serious languages can be exported to C, thus be used by most of the languages. Also, they can utilize existing C code pretty easily.

Here is some languages I considered as serious.

  • Rust
  • Go
  • C++
  • Zig

Languages that doesn’t even have a type system is no in consideration.

Consume from C

There are a lot of consumer in C, mostly scripting languages.

Here are some languages I considered as consumer only.

  • Python
  • Elisp
  • Swift

Swift has an interesting position here. By design, it has a complete type system, and is possible to export a C interface, but I still consider it as a consumer only language. Since Swift is only used extensively at creating Apple applications, and is mainly used for creating UI, any serious code that you think should be portable and can be reused by other things should not be written in Swift. Instead, you should write in other language and bridge it into Swift.

Another possible consumer is JavaScript. However, considering the use scenarios of JavaScript, unless something can easily wasm, using it with JavaScript is a pain in the ass. Also, most modern languages can directly output wasm, thus no need for converting them in C.