
This is an example project of using the latest SDL3 library to make the snake game.


  1. clang / gcc
  2. SDL3

Installing SDL3

Since the SDL3 is still in the developement stage, most package manager does not have SDL3 in it. (From my observation, only the Arch AUR has it, not even Gentoo.) You better build it yourself, the installation instruction is very clear in the SDL3 github page.

If you want to install SDL3, you also need cmake. Here is the official instruction.


I used to care a lot about graphics API, but from my disastrous experience of learning a lot of different API, if you only want to render simple 2D games, using the FUCKING built-in function of SDL.

It makes porting to different platform much simpler.

If you are intended to write 3D games, webgpu is something you should be looking into.


SDL and Emscripten have been enabling us to port games to the web via wasm for some time. Emscripten even has SDL support, making them a perfect match.

However, SDL3 is not stable yet. You have to compile the static library of wasm SDL3 on your own. Here is the instruction. Very simple, takes no time.

If you want to compile to wasm, put the compiled libSDL3.a in the root of project.