
My Vimium key bindings (Emacs-style).

My Vimium Key Bindings (Emacs-Style)

This is a full set of key bindings (as of Vimium v1.45); covering all Vimium functionality. I have tried to map all Vimium functionality to comparable Emacs functionality (whenever possible). In cases where there is no equivalent, those commands are prefixed by <c-g> (indicating (G)oogle Chrome; and because <c-g> does not conflict with other Emacs shortcuts at all).

Commented Shortcuts: There are a few Emacs-style shortcuts that are simply not possible in Vimium. All of my shortcuts (including those which were not possible; i.e. where I used a decent alternative) have been commented below. This should help to clarify my rationale.

Compatibility: All of these shortcuts were tested on Mac OS X (Mavericks). Please note that all of my shortcuts operate under the assumption that your Emacs Meta key is the Alt/Option key. This really was my only choice, because the key is already used in Chrome for shortcuts that come built into Chrome itself. Therefore, if you intend to use these shortcuts, I'd highly recommend that you use the Alt/Option key as your Emacs Meta key; helps with consistency. See also: my ~/.emacs to see how my modifier keys are configured in Emacs.


unmapAll # Use Emacs-style bindings only.


# Modifier Keys w/ Emacs Terminology:

# `<c-*>` = ⌃ Control Key; i.e. `C-*`.
# `<a-*>` = ⌥ Meta Key (Alt/Option); i.e. `M-*`.
# To clarify, `<a-*>` is `M-*` in the world of Emacs.

# `<m-*>` = ⌘ Command Key (Prone to Conflicts).
#   Avoid ⌘ key conflicts in Google Chrome.
#   It's good to avoid the ⌘ key altogether.
#   ~ See: http://bit.ly/VUvR7i

# The ⇧ Shift key is not used explicitly. However,
# all of these keyboard shortcuts are caSe-sensitive.
# Therefore, `<c-b>` is NOT the same as `<c-B>`.
# Meaning, the ⇧ Shift key **is** necessary in some cases.


# Similar to Emacs `(next|previous)-line`.
map <c-n> scrollDown
map <c-p> scrollUp

# Similar to Emacs `(backward|forward)-char`.
map <c-b> scrollLeft
map <c-f> scrollRight

# Similar to Emacs `(beginning|end)-of-buffer`.
map <a-<> scrollToTop
map <a->> scrollToBottom

# Identical to Emacs `scroll-(left|right)`.
map <c-x>< scrollToLeft
map <c-x>> scrollToRight

# Identical to `scroll-(down|up)-command`.
map <a-v> scrollFullPageUp
map <c-v> scrollFullPageDown

# Identical to Emacs `scroll-(up|down)-line`
# No KBD shortcut in Emacs by default.
map <a-}> scrollPageDown
map <a-{> scrollPageUp

# Identical to Emacs `find-alternate-file`.
map <c-x><c-v> reload

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <a-s> toggleViewSource

# Identical to Emacs `delete-window`.
map <c-x>0 removeTab

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <c-g><c-u> copyCurrentUrl
map <c-g><c-l> LinkHints.activateModeToCopyLinkUrl

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <c-g><c-o> openCopiedUrlInCurrentTab
map <c-g><c-O> openCopiedUrlInNewTab

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <c-g>< goUp
map <c-g>/ goToRoot

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <c-g><c-i> enterInsertMode

# Not implemented in Emacs.
map <c-g><c-f> focusInput

# Similar to Emacs `find-file`.
map <c-x><c-f> LinkHints.activateMode
map <c-x><c-F> LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewForegroundTab
map <c-x><a-f> LinkHints.activateModeWithQueue
map <c-x><a-F> LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab

# Similar to Emacs `list-directory`.
map <c-x><c-d> Vomnibar.activate
map <c-x><c-D> Vomnibar.activateInNewTab

# Similar to Emacs `switch-to-buffer`.
map <c-x>b Vomnibar.activateTabSelection

# Similar to Emacs `list-buffers`.
map <c-x><c-b> Vomnibar.activateBookmarks
map <c-x><c-B> Vomnibar.activateBookmarksInNewTab

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to Emacs `(previous|next)-buffer`.
# However, this uses `<c-g>` instead of `<c-x>`.
map <c-g><left> goPrevious
map <c-g><right> goNext

# Similar to Emacs `other-frame`.
# Also similar to Emacs `other-window`.
# The correct mapping is `<c-x>5o`, but not possible.
# Vimium doesn't support the `o` argument.
# Instead using `<c-x>o` here.
map <c-x>o nextFrame

# Similar to Emacs `set-mark-command`.
# Similar to Emacs `pop-global-mark`.
# Can't use `<c-<space>>` it conflicts w/ Chrome.
# In Chrome, `<space>` scrolls the current document.
# NOTE: both of these require that you enter a letter
# that you want to associate with a Vimium mark.
# e.g. `<c-@>` `a`; and to return: `<c-x><c-@>` `a`.
map <c-@> Marks.activateCreateMode
map <c-x><c-@> Marks.activateGotoMode

# Similar to Emacs `isearch-forward`.
# Similar to Emacs `isearch-repeat-(forward|backward)`.
# NOTE: Vimium doesn't support repeated `<c-s>`.
# Instead, use `<c-S>` to move to next result.
# NOTE: `<c-S>` may conflict w/ SnagIt™. If you run this app,
# please remap SnagIt™ to resolve this potential conflict.
# NOTE: Vimium requires that you press the `<enter>` key
# before shortcuts `<c-S>` and `<c-R>` will actually work.
map <c-s> enterFindMode
map <c-S> performFind
map <c-r> performBackwardsFind
map <c-R> performBackwardsFind

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to Emacs `(backward|forward)-char`.
# However, this uses capitals w/ the shift key.
map <c-B> goBack
map <c-F> goForward

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to Emacs `(previous|next)-buffer`.
map <c-x><left> previousTab
map <c-x><right> nextTab

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to Emacs `(previous|next)-buffer`.
map <c-x><up> firstTab
map <c-x><down> lastTab

# Similar to Emacs `generate-new-buffer`.
# No KBD shortcut in Emacs by default.
map <c-g><c-t> createTab

# Similar to `clone-indirect-buffer-other-window`.
# The correct mapping is `<c-x>4c`, but not possible.
# Vimium doesn't support the `c` argument.
map <c-x>4 duplicateTab
# Should be <c-x>4c

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to Emacs `recover-file`.
# No KBD shortcut in Emacs by default.
map <c-g><c-r> restoreTab

# Similar to `make-frame-command`.
# The correct mapping is `<c-x>52`, but not possible.
# Vimium doesn't support the `2` argument.
map <c-x>5 moveTabToNewWindow
# Should be <c-x>52

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to `set-window-dedicated-p`.
# No KBD shortcut in Emacs by default.
map <c-g><c-p> togglePinTab

# Not implemented in Emacs.
# Similar to `buff-move(left|right)`.
# See package: <http://bit.ly/Z1ZXYg>
# Also similar to: `(backward|forward)-word`
# However, this uses capitals w/ the shift key.
map <a-B> moveTabLeft
map <a-F> moveTabRight

# Similar to Emacs help commands.
map <c-h> showHelp