
Translate HPC results to various Code Coverage

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Coverage Status



Finding your tix/mix files


Coverage Provider Information

Haskell Coverage

haskell-coverage aims to provide an up-to-date executable that translates Haskell's HPC format into various code coverage formats.

In-Progress Formats

Supported Formats


cabal install haskell-coverage


haskell-coverage provides generic help text:

Usage: haskell-coverage FORMAT_TYPE [API_TOKEN] (-t|--tix-path TIX_PATH)
                        (-m|--mix-path MIX_PATH) [-o|--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]

  Translate HPC into various Code Coverage Formats

Available options:
  FORMAT_TYPE              Code Coverage format - one of [codecov, coveralls]
  -t,--tix-path TIX_PATH   Path to tix file directory
  -m,--mix-path MIX_PATH   Path to mix file directory
  -o,--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                           Path/name to output coverage file
  -d,--dry-run             Produce Coverage Report only (don't send to the
                           Coverage Provider)
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Generating coverage for coveralls would look like the following:

haskell-coverage coveralls <API_TOKEN> -t /path/to/tix-file -m /path/to/mix-directory -o coverage.json

Finding your Tix File and Mix Path


These paths aren't always accurate depending on how the tix file is generated.

Assuming the following is run in a cabal project: cabal test --enable-coverage The files can be found along this path: TIX_MIX_ROOT = /path/to/project/dist-newstyle/build/$arch/$ghc-version/package- Underneath this directory you will find mix/ and tix/ directories.

Assuming the package name package-, your tix file will be at $TIX_MIX_ROOT/tix/package-

The corresponding mix directory will be located here $TIX_MIX_ROOT/mix/package- NOTE there is a secondary directory underneath called something like package- The inplace directory is what haskell-coverage is going to look for so make sure not to descend too far.


Assuming the following is run in a stack project stack test --coverage

The tix file can be found at this (run from the project root) $(stack path --local-hpc-root)/package/package-test-suite-name/package.tix

Mysteriously, the mix files are located here: path/to/package/.stack-work/dist/$arch/$cabal-version/hpc/. Don't pass the full path to the mix files (should be under package-$hash).


Error reporting is not particularly graceful in haskell-coverage yet. Your best bet if you get failures is to run one of the hpc commands with similar inputs. This generally outputs an error message that may help fix the issue.

Coverage Provider Information


Integrating haskell-coverage with coveralls is relatively straightforward. Assuming you have a repository that is already connected to Coveralls, you can either:

  • Provide the API Token to the command line argument


  • Let haskell-coverage query your CI environment to provide the correct information to Coveralls

Regardless of which option you choose haskell-coverage will integrate all possible information that it can provide to Coveralls.

The currently supported CI environments are:

  • TravisCI
  • Travis Pro (this is for private repos)
    • NOTE You must create an environment variable TRAVIS_PRO as haskell-coverage cannot distinguish between travis-ci and travis-pro without it
  • JenkinsCI