
Repository for the n2value and ai-imaging blogs

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Repository for the n2value and ai-imaging blogs

This is a git repository for the n2value and ai-imaging blogs, hosted at: www.n2value.com/blog and : www.ai-imaging.org

Information provided within is provided on an as-is basis, with no warranty given or implied. All code or commits are experimental and should be treated as such. It is important to note that any information downloaded from this site is not intended to diagnose, advise upon, or treat any disease or condition, and you are hereby directed to consult face-to-face with an appropriately licensed health care provider for any health-related questions you may have. In no way does any posting or reply to comments on this site create or imply any doctor-patient relationship. I am not a financial, tax, or legal advisor, and you are hereby directed to consult your financial, tax or legal advisor for any advice you may need in those areas.

Finally, I retain all rights to material I have contributed to this site under copyright and trademark, and any or part of this work may not be used for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the author obtained first.