
hackathon solution to alleviating pain points with medicine tracking

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vera x Medbay

This project was created as part of the Gift the Code hackathon for Camp Quality. Camp Quality is a national charitable organization devoted to providing free camp experiences and year-round programming for children with cancer. Currently, they face many inefficiencies with the way that they track their campers's medical requirements during camp. Their data is only accessible on paper and therefore not always up to date, making registering campers and logging their medications a tedious process. Vera & Medbay is an integrated platform that delivers real-time, data-driven medical administration. Our platform addresses Camp Quality's inefficiencies by streamlining Camp Quality's registration process, digitizing all form data, and providing an up-to-date platform for real-time medication/treatment administration and tracking.

Tech/Framework Used

Built with Web app:

  • React, JavaScript, axios, postGresQL, express


  • Swift, firebase


Our platform is two-fold; Vera is a web CRM application where parents/guardians can register their kids and update medical information in real-time, and Medbay is an mobile app that enables nursing staff to manage medication and treatment administration with real time data. We employ two databases, a noSQL database hosted on FireBase for real-time data updates and quick searches. This is to be used primarily for medical staff to keep track of patient medication and treatment processes. More details on camper information will be hosted on a second relational database (PostgreSQL). This will include past health information, image copies of signed waivers, photos, and etc.


  1. Clone the files using git clone
  2. Run npm install to download all dependencies

Presentation Slides



Andrew Hsieh, Chris Lo, Kyla Palos, Vincent Ly, Wiljay Flores, Carmen Tsang & Rachel Siu