
react page using graphQL for github API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github Repo Compiler

Github Pages Link



This project is a single page React app that uses the Github v4 API to receive a list of 10 repositories that match the user's search. Repositories can be saved and will render in an alternate list. Users can add or remove repositories to their personal list of favorites. Clicking on the name/owner of each entry will link to the repository URL in a separate tab, preventing loss of list data.


  1. Fork and clone
  2. Run 'npm install' to install dependencies
  3. Start server using 'npm start'
  4. Access the page using localhost with the assigned port value

Technologies Used:

| React | GraphQL | GraphQL-Request | Emotion-JS |


Repo Compiler with search results on left and saved results on right


  • react
  • graphql-request
  • emotion-js