Passport strategy for authenticating with Facebook access tokens using the OAuth 2.0 API.
- 2
The token is generated by facebook-ios-sdk version 17.0.0 is not working
#120 opened by letruonglamit - 1
I m getting the logical problem regarding expiring facebook token generated by android sdk and verify on NodeJS API
#108 opened by usmanhafeez147 - 1
Req is null, Res has data
#103 opened by AustinGS464 - 6
Emails are empty
#91 opened by Nainabbas - 2
Custom JWT token
#86 opened by brenwell - 1
- 0
- 1
- 3
How can I get access token
#53 opened by vanhung89 - 4
"Error: Failed to serialize user into session" even when not using passport.session() middleware
#63 opened by ismail-khan - 8
npm deployment
#92 opened by rsegecin - 3
How to Pass Data from React Native to Passport.js FacebookTokenStrategy Callback?
#94 opened by KaizenTamashi - 6
able to retrieve profile details by providing another application's clientId and clientSecret
#65 opened by rakesh1988 - 4
Hi, does this api use Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key of Exchange?
#93 opened by KaizenTamashi - 0
- 7
Dynamic Client ID/Secret
#59 opened by rodrigoreal - 0
User is not defined at ```User.findOrCreate({ facebookId: profile.id }``` in strategy config?
#90 opened by sebastiangug - 1
Authentication not working on remote URL
#81 opened by zvandervelde - 1
Facebook Graph API v2.6
#87 opened by wiesys - 4
expose fields to be returned
#68 opened by ianomad - 0
Build process generate strange javascript
#88 opened by cojack - 2
How to verify facebook access token from client app on my server using passport-facebook-token??
#84 opened by NikhilBhutani - 1
How to catch wrong access_token error ?
#72 opened by MocanuMarius - 5
"InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile" thrown when access_token is invalid
#62 opened by ismail-khan - 3
- 1
Error is thrown on calling the route
#82 opened by maheshambiga - 0
Email is null
#80 opened by MarkAdell - 0
#77 opened by kkenken1234 - 2
Both strategy function and passport.authenticate are called on protected end point
#70 opened by philipbrack - 1
Handling request from Unity Facebook SDK
#73 opened by luzan - 0
Error: Cannot find module 'passport-facebook-token' When deploying on Azure
#76 opened by kasradzenika - 7
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Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
#75 opened - 10
Passport is undefined!
#48 opened by minakolta - 0
angular2 suggestion
#71 opened by lkhore - 0
Example with passport-facebook-token
#69 opened by philipbrack - 5
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Syntax for Sails for Facebook Authentication
#64 opened by jaddoescad - 1
isAuthenticated() is always returning false
#51 opened by AkibShahjahan - 0
Provisional headers are shown issue
#61 opened by ashjha - 2
How to add email to User's base class?
#57 opened by maa-x - 0
ook scope
#60 opened by rasmussyberg - 3
Creating a session with passport-facebook-token
#58 opened by Bartozzz - 2
Graph API v2.0 is deprecated
#55 opened by nessche - 1
Facebook Account Kit integration
#52 opened by nkhaitan - 3
InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile
#50 opened by wassimz - 8
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InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile
#49 opened by zabojad - 3
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Handling token expiration
#44 opened by skolesnyk