
A VIM plugin that provides an easy way to navigate to older versions using git.

Primary LanguageVimL

Git Wayback Machine in VIM

Adapted from Nikolay Nemshilov's MadRabbit/git-wayback-machine.

This VIM plugin provides the ability to easily navigate through the history of git commits and see the progression of changes. The plugin is written in Ruby.


  • vim >= 7.2 with Ruby support (check with :version and look for +ruby)


  • Get Pathogen
  • clone this repository in your ~/.vim/bundle directory

How to use it?

:WaybackMachine - opens the Wayback Machine based on the current file being viewed. You will see the Git Log in a buffer. You can navigate up and down through time and watch the file change.

When you close the Wayback Machine window, this will git reset to the latest version.

<leader>w maps to the Wayback Machine.


  • This utility uses git reset --hard {sha}. You've been warned!


All code in this repository is released under the terms of the MIT License