------- On Debian, Ubuntu & Mint -------------------
$ sudo apt install lua5.3
------- On RHEL, CentOS, Rocky & AlmaLinux ---------
# yum install epel-release
# yum install lua
------- On Fedora Linux ----------------------------
# dnf install lua
------ Other ---------------------------------------
Fork the repository (set yourself as the owner) and commit with your name to be marked present. example: [PRESENCE] : Bill ON
lua file.lua
Print every number between 1 and 100 as follows:
- For every multiple of 3 print "Three".
- For every multiple of 5 print "Five".
- And for every multiple of both 3 and 5 print "ThreeFive"
The output should be identical to the contents of this file:
Write a "Countword" function whose objective is to count the number of times a word appears in a sentence. You will first need to separate the sentence into smaller words you can compare the target to. This function takes 2 parameters :
- "sentence" -> the sentence you will search through
- "target" -> the word you look for in the sentence
You might find help here: (https://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html)
Countword('ton tonton tond ton thon', "ton") -> ton appears 2 times
Write a function that takes n parameters as Strings and add them together.
Calculator("4", '5') -> 9
Calculator('3', '4', '3', '5', '7', '8', '1') -> 31
Modify your Calculator function to now handle invalid parameters.
CalculatorV2("4", '5', 'a') -> "Invalid Parameter: a"
Retrieve the contents of the file 5.txt and parse through it to only display lines with an even number of characters.
The output should be as follows:
My name is Yoshikage Kira.
I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest.
I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink.
I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what.
I was told there were no issues at my last check-up.
I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night.
Create a Pet function returning a map with the properties "name" and "status".
If no parameter is provided, the default values for "name" and "status" will be "Kikki" and "Hungry" respectively.
Add 2 methods to your Pet map: - check: display the pet's name and status - feed: set the pet's status to "Fed"
local animal = Pet("Minou", "on fire")
animal.check(animal) -> "Minou is on fire"
animal.feed(animal) -> "Minou has been fed"
Create a Dog map derived from your Pet map which takes 3 parameters : name, status and breed.
Add 2 new properties :
- breed (_"Australian Shepherd"_ by default)
- loyalty (set to 0)
Over-ride the default name to now be "Meimei". Over-ride the FEED method to now increase the LOYALTY by 5
Add 2 new methods:
- isLoyal -> display "is loyal" if loyalty is supertior to 10
- bark -> display "Woof Woof"
local dog = Dog()
dog.isLoyal(dog) -> "Meimei is NOT loyal"
dog.feed(dog) -> "Meimei has been fed"
dog.feed(dog) -> "Meimei has been fed"
dog.isLoyal(dog) -> "Meimei is loyal"
dog.check(dog) -> "Meimei is a Fed Australian Shepherd"
Create a metatable to execute additions and substractions between 2 maps.
This example is lackluster by choice
local t1 = {x = 5, y = 10}
local t2 = {x = 15, y = 15}
local t3 = t1 + t2
-- t3.x should be equal to 20 and t3.y should be equal to 25
Write Unit Tests for ex 1, 4, 8, 9