
Send CloudTrail records stored in S3 into Elasticsearch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

s3-to-elasticsearch-cloudtrail (an AWS CDK project)

Send Cloudtrail logs to Elasticsearch.

Live Architecture Diagram Link - TBD

Architecture Diagram

Deployment using the AWS Console and AWS SAR

The Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications. It enables teams, organizations, and individual developers to store and share reusable applications, and easily assemble and deploy serverless architectures in powerful new ways. Using the Serverless Application Repository, you don't need to clone, build, package, or publish source code to AWS before deploying it. Instead, you can use pre-built applications from the Serverless Application Repository in your serverless architectures, helping you and your teams reduce duplicated work, ensure organizational best practices, and get to market faster. More information on the SAR can be found here.


 You must have adequate permissions or use the "Administrator" IAM policy 
	1. Login to the AWS Console
	2. Navigate to the AWS SAR console
	3. Click on or navigate to Available applications
	4. Search for "S3 to Elasticsearch" in the search box 
	5. Click the title of the result Authored by Adrian Drummond
	6. Enter parameters for the Application 
	7. Click deploy

Deployment using the CLI

Command line deployment is done using the AWS CDK synth and deploy commands. Instructitons to install the AWS CDK can be found here.


 You must have adequate permissions or use the "Administrator" IAM policy 
	1. Install the AWS CDK 
		Be sure to install the latest CDK release. 
	2. Navigate to the directory for this repository
	3. Run the command:
		aws cdk synth

## Configuration after deployment

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