- Replace the text.rkt and autocomplete.rkt in racket/share/pkgs/gui-lib/framework/private/
- Now run on command line :
- $ raco setup framework
- $ raco setup drracket
- Then run drracket to see the changes.
- The trie must be made in text.rkt and must be
- Able to add word on pressing space
- Able to delete word on backspacing out a word completely
- Above two tasks amount to the tracking of the current word
- Probably the autocompletion-cursor implementation will also be done in text.rkt only (Reason: sending whole trie back and forth maybe?)
- Try implementing bulk delete and bulk adding (if user uses mouse)
- Implementation of edit distance in finding nearest matching prefixes
- insert-currently-selected-string (increase frequency of this word by 1)