
You can use the weapon paints of CS:GO. Use it for choose your favorite paint for your current weapon.

Primary LanguageSourcePawnGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



  • Install required plugin: https://gitlab.com/Franc1sco/Franug-GiveNamedItem (if you dont have access, then send a email to franug13@gmail.com with your gitlab email and paypal account that you use to pay this plugin)
  • Disable "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option. In addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg write this line in the end FollowCSGOServerGuidelines "no"
  • Dont use your own tokens. Use this website https://csgo.tokenstash.com
  • Unzip file in addons/sourcemod/
  • Add a entry called "weaponpaints" to addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg
  • You dont need to upload the .sp file
  • If you already use a old version. Remove your database content and start since 0
  • A example of a basic databases.cfg is http://pastebin.com/XqsEjPhS
  • If you want a !knife plugin you need to use the private knife version, if you still dont have it, then buy it from me (Franc1sco franug)
Cvars (put in server.cfg)
sm_weaponpaints_c4 "1" // Enable or disable that people can apply paints to the C4. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
sm_weaponpaints_saytimer "10" // Time in seconds for block that show the plugin commands in chat when someone type a command. -1 = never show the commands in chat
sm_weaponpaints_roundtimer "-1.0" // Time in seconds roundstart for can use the commands for change the paints. -1.0 = always can use the command
sm_weaponpaints_rmenu "1" // Re-open the menu when you select a option. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
sm_weaponpaints_onlyadmin "0" // This feature is only for admins. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 and try to keep this plugin secret for the normal users because they can report it)
sm_weaponpaints_zombiesv "1" // Enable this for prevent crashes in zombie and 1v1 servers for knifes. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 if you use my knife plugin)


sm_ws sm_wskins sm_paints buyammo1 - open the main menu
sm_reloadwskins - reload cfg (root access)
sm_wsremove <steamid> - remove a steamid from the DB (root access)

Dont forget to give me +rep in my steam profile ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/franug ) if you like my plugins :)