
Easy way to run GO1 services

Primary LanguagePHP

GO1 monolith

This project is not yet useful for community as we are trying to opensource the GO1 LMS. Keep your eyes here to have updates.

1. Dependencies

  • git
  • php7
    • composer
  • golang:
    • composer global require symfony/yaml
    • glide: curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
    • export PATH="/path/to/monolith/scripts:$PATH"
  • nodejs if you are frontend developers.
    • npm
    • bower
    • grunt

2. Usage

  • php ./scripts/build.php: Build the code base.
    • --skip-php: Don't run composer commands.
    • --skip-web: Don't run npm commands.
    • --skip-drupal: Don't build drupal code base.
    • --skip-go: Don't build golang code base.
    • Build golang only: php scripts/build.php --skip-php --skip-web --skip-drupal
    • Build PHP only: php scripts/build.php --skip-go --skip-web --skip-drupal
  • php scripts/start.php, then try some links:
  • php scripts/install.php to install database.
  • If you are frontend developers:
    • php scripts/build-web.php
    • php scripts/start-ui.php
    • Then try:
  • Run test cases without Docker:
    • cd php/user/
    • phpunit
  • To rebuild:
    • docker-compose pull
    • php scripts/git/pull.php --confirm
    • php scripts/clean.php
    • php scripts/build.php --skip-web --skip-drupal --skip-go
    • php scripts/start.php

To avoid PHPStorm to index too much, exclude these directory:

  • .data
  • drupal/gc/test
  • php/adminer
  • web/ui (if you're not #ui dev)

3. Tools

  • php ./git/prune.php
  • php ./git/pull.php — pull master
  • php ./git/pull.php --confirm — pull master with confirmation
  • php ./git/generate.php
  • php ./gitlab/build-configuration.php
  • php ./gitlab/deploy/staging.php
  • php ./gitlab/deploy/production.php
  • Dummy: Generate dummy content for testing.
    1. Make sure the services are up. Ref (4).
    • docker exec monolith_web_1 bash -c 'php /scripts/dummy/generate.php'
  • Run xdebug on certain request:
    • From Google Chrome > Copy as CURL
    • bash -c "clear && docker exec -it monolith_web_1 sh"
    • php /app/scripts/xdebug.php $STRING_COPIED_FROM_GOOGLE_CHROME


  • Install #realtime
  • Install #cron