
Helper module for Drupal 7 development.

Primary LanguagePHP


  1. Lazy load.
  2. Simple KeyValue class.
  3. Simple configuration system
  4. Lazy hooks:
  5. Lazy for static hooks: permission, menu, theme, views, …
  6. Lazy for dynamic hooks: cron, node_*, …
  7. Redis wrapper for PhpRedis.
  8. @TODO: Callback wrapper, supports annotations.

Lazy Load

To use this feature. Your module need implementing hook_vc_api(). Your class named ModuleNameFoo, vc will be loaded the file in /path/to/module_name/lib/Foo.php.

  • ModuleName -> /path/to/module_name/lib/ModuleName.php
  • ModuleNameFoo -> /path/to/module_name/lib/Foo.php
  • ModuleName_Foo_Bar -> /path/to/module_name/lib/Foo/Bar.php

KeyValue class

$kv = new VCKeyValue($collection = 'my_collection');
$kv->set('foo', 'bar');
$kv->setMultiple(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'foo'));
$kv->deleteMultiple(array('foo', 'baz');

Lazy Hooks

Lazy for static hooks: permission, menu, theme, views, …

Lazy for dynamic hooks: cron, node_*, …

Redis wrapper

Configure Redis connection in your Drupal settings.php (They are all optional, default values will be used).

$conf['redis_client_host'] = '';
$conf['redis_client_port'] = '6379';
$conf['redis_client_base'] = '';
$conf['redis_client_password'] = NULL;

Usage, support IDE autocomplete:

$redis = VcRedis::getClient();

@TODO: Function Anotations

Supported annotations:

1. Cache: …

 * @cache($cid = __FUNCTION__, $bin = 'cache', $expire = '+ 30 minutes')
function foo() {}

2. Queue: …

 * @queue($name = 'function_name', $data = 'function arguments')
function foo() {}

3. String functions: …

 * @filter_xss('%function results', $allowed_tags = array('a', 'strong'))
 * @strip_tags('%function results', $allowed_tags = array('a', 'strong'))
 * @truncate_utf8(…)
function foo() {}

4. Logging (watchdog)

 * @watchdog($type = '', $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = NULL).
function foo($a1, $a2) {
  $my_complex_result = '…';
  return $my_complex_result; // ' Hello  '

Configuration System

Why not just using variable_get/set/del?

Drupal use variable system, load all variables on every pages, make them available as a global array. It takes a lot of memory. This is not, it just load the configuration value when you need.

Example configuration file in yaml format:

# path/to/module/conf/module_name.yaml
foo: bar
baz: [foo, bar]

Example Code:

// return bar

// override configuration value

// Restore default configuration value.