
Exploratory Data Analysis of Reddit's r/politics using python

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Data Analysis of Reddit's /r/politics

Using Praw to Access API Data from Reddit

Project Links

  1. Blog Post: "Data Analysis of Reddit's /r/Politics"
  2. Google Colab Notebook

Project Goals

The purpose of this project was to practice using APIs to scrape data from a website. The website Reddit was chosen because it is one of the visited websites on the internet. Data from the subreddit /r/politics was scrapped using the python library Praw. This subreddit was chosen due to it's active userbase. Analysis included determining top posts for this subreddit and understanding what factors contributed to their ranking beyond most upvotes and comments.

Additional goals for the project included:

Finding the top posts by score/upvotes
Determining if a high score correlates with a high number of comments
Discover the popular words used in all post titles
Semantics analysis of posts and determine if they are negative, positive, or neutral?

Summary of Results

Correlation of Post Score and Number of Comments

A heatmap that was ran through Seaborn showed there was a very positive correlation between the number of comments and the score of a posts (0.89).

Word Frequency of Post Titles

Word frequency showed that Biden and Trump were the most popular key words, followed by GOP.

Sentiment Analysis

The majority of posts in /r/politics were found be neutral, followed by negative.