
Core stages: Basic application product / shopping cart functionality payment portals additionalities

Part1: Getting started Models and Admins Testing -> Models URL's, Views Templates -> Bootstrap Testing -> Views PEP 8 = python style convention

django-admin startproject core . // the space and period create the projects inone directory and does not create another above it py startapp store

add store to the settings in models we decribe tables in classes and django creates the tables Connect category and product table

after creation of models, make migrationd

py makemigrations py migrate

configure the media folder - allows us to store product images that have been added.

Admin configuration - adding products to our database.

Testing: -> Models It helps to check for errors, we won't test all the different elements. It is an important step to improve the wuality of your application Unittest is a standard python library i.e Lib/ It's nmot always easy to know which tests you need to run, in the beginning at least. Utilize coverage package which scans your files and looks for where tests are required. to visuualize and identify where it is needed.

pip install coverage coverage run test coverage report //gives an overview coverage run --omit='/venv/' test // gives a more structuresd report without the venv files coverage html //creates a new htmlcov folder

Django provides test cases with the python standard library We'll create a seperate data for our tests The fields addedmust match our models

Testing product models will be a bit complicated as it has a lot more fields. We need to ensure all the mandatory fields required to create a record