Django Ecommerce


Django Ecommerce application is an online clothing store handling payment for goods.

Live demo

Dummy user credentials
Password: test

Table of Contents

General Information

Django Ecommerce is an e-commerce (online store) web application.
Thanks to this application users can order products, which can be easily entered by the site administrator (the seller) using the admin panel, which has been specially adapted for this purpose.
The project was made mainly using Django and Javascript (payment handling).

Technologies Used

  • Python Python 3.10.4  
  • Django Django 4.0.4   Bootstrap Boostrap 
  • HTML5 HTML5 
  • CSS CSS3 
  • JavaScript JavaScript ES6+ 
  • jQuery jQuery 

🛠️ Tools & Deployment:

  • Pycharm PyCharm 
  • MySql MySQL (development) 
  • Postgresql Postgres (deployment) 
  • AWS AWS EB/S3 


List the ready features here:

  • Creating an account which is verified by mail activation link
  • Searching for product by name
  • Searching for products by categories
  • Filtering products
  • Displaying single product
  • Adding review to product (for users who bought it)
  • Adding product to cart
  • Product variations (sizes, colors)
  • Customized Admin Panel
  • Paying for the product
  • Searching for recipe by ingredients ( 2 options of search)


name name name name name name name name

... and many more!


  1. Create New Folder

  2. Type

'git clone' into the console/git cli
'cd django-ecommerce'

  1. Create Virtual Environment by typing

'python3 -m venv venv' (in some cases you might use python instead of python3)

  1. Install all required dependencies located in requirements.txt using

'pip install -r requirements.txt'

  1. Create '.env' file (variables required are located in env-sample)

  2. Run migrations by typing

'python makemigrations' and then 'python migrate'

  1. Finally run

'python runserver'

Project Status

Project is: 🔥 COMPLETED 🔥

Improvements to be done

  • Adding asynchronous code
  • Improving responsive layout
  • Fixing some bugs


Created by Damian Rutkowski - feel free to contact me!