
answer set counter

Primary LanguageRustGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

ias 🚗

The Incremental Answer Set Counter with Anytime Refinement and Counting Graph Compressor as proposed in [1].

iascar is a propositional model counter for formulae in so called smooth deterministic decomposable negation normal form (sd-DNNF) [2]. In particular, iascar is tailored toward frequent answer set counting under assumptions. However, it can also be used to count supported models (under assumptions) of an answer set program. Even more so, iascar can also simply be used to count the number of models of classic formula.

iascar expects


iascar$ cargo build --release

The resulting binary is target/release/iascar


The following describes each use case of iascar demonstrated for answer set program example_lp.lp and a cnf of the odd-2-parity function (XOR).


To provide assumptions use the -a flag followed by whitespace seperated integers, corresponding to literals. Omitting integers or the -a flag in general evaluates to no assumptions. Invalid assumptions will be ignored. In combination with the-as flag, always provide -a first.

Literal mappings of an answer set program can usually be found in the original cnf instance of the program; at least when these tools are used. Compressing sd-DNNFs will preserve the original literal mappings and place them on the beginning of the compressed counting graph (for more see CCG Format).

Example 1 (Incremental Answer Set Counting on Compressed Counting Graph with Bounded Alternation Depth)

To count incrementally with bounded alternation depth use the -as flag and append the alternation depth. Providing no alternation depth, or providing alternation depth 0 results in the unbounded alternation depth.

Note that it is required that you put the unsupported nogood constraints of your instance name.lp in a file named name.cycles that satisfies the UC Format and lies on the same level as name.ccg.

iascar$ target/release/iascar examples/example_lp.ccg -a 7 -12 -as 1

Example 2 (Compressing Counting Graph: sd-DNNF to CCG)

To obtain a compresssed counting graph from an sd-DNNF instance of an answer set program provide the -t flag and the sd-DNNF.

Note that it is required that you put the cnf instance name.cnf of your program name.lp and the program itself on the same level as name.nnf.

iascar$ target/release/iascar examples/example_lp.nnf -t 

Example 3 (Supported Model Counting on sd-DNNF)

To count models on an sd-DNNF provide the -cnnfasp flag and the sd-DNNF.

iascar$ target/release/iascar examples/example_lp.ccg -cnnfasp -a 7 -12

Example 4 (Model Counting on sd-DNNF)

To count models on an sd-DNNF provide the -cnnf flag and the sd-DNNF.

iascar$ target/release/iascar examples/p_xor_q.cnf.nnf -cnnf -a 1 -2

CCG Format

A file in CCG format encodes a (compressed) counting graph such that

  • the first line $\text{ccg } v$ $e$ $n$ $c$ denotes
    • $v \dots$ number of nodes;
    • $e \dots$ number of edges;
    • $n \dots$ number of variables;
    • and $c \dots$ model count under no assumptions in log$10$;
  • comments (e.g., literal mappings) start with character c;
  • lines $i$ $b$ consisting of an integer $i$ and $b \in {0,1}$ correspond to a literal node labeled with literal $i$ and value $b$;
  • lines $*$ $j$ $k$1 $\dots k$$j$ corresponding to a product (and-node) consisting of the number of children $j$ and the respective line indices of the children $k$$1$ $\dots k$$j$;
  • and lines $+$ $j$ $k$$1$ $\dots k$$j$ corresponding to a sum (or-node) consisting of the number of children $j$ and the respective line indices of the children $k$$1$ $\dots k$$j$.

UC Format

From the above positive dependency graph we can extract two unsupported constraints

:- a, b, not c, not g.
:- e, f, not g.

A file in UC Format contains combinations of unsupported constraints encoded by literal mappings and with leading characters p (add) and m (subtract). The first line gives the number of cycles taken into consideration. Furthermore, again a line that starts with caracter c is a comment.

c a 1
c b 2
c c 3
c e 4
c f 5
c g 6
m -3 -6 1 2
m -6 4 5
p -3 -6 1 2 -6 4 5

Note that iascar expects literal mappings in .cycles files to be of this form c variable integer.