Ultra-fast fetching for TypeScript generated automatically from your OpenAPI schema
- 4
Some sort of middleware support
#41 opened by djMax - 4
Unable to use body in POST/PATCH requests when another method doesn't have body defined
#34 opened by Givemeurcookies - 1
Wrong types for returns values of some methods
#44 opened by kwonalbert - 6
- 3
How to handle undefined?
#40 opened by darr1s - 3
Headers is not assignable to ClientOptions
#35 opened by darr1s - 3
I would like access to types
#32 opened by busheezy - 7
Add optional query method?
#13 opened by HerrBertling - 2
package with something other than pnpm
#22 opened by ezpuzz - 3
Do not parse as JSON on 204 responses
#27 opened by nholik - 6
- 1
dynamic loading of headers
#16 opened by chiptus - 1
improperly handles optional``` requestBody```
#5 opened by KotoriK