Python 3 and Pipenv
Create a new folder, do
pip3 install pipenv
->pipenv shell
->pip3 install flask
then clone this repo -
flask run
and navigate to127.0.0.1:5000
on your favorite browser -
To stop the server,
To end the virtual environment, use
: Home page, showcases the FANUC + draggable box IK solver/1
: Testing page, testing different Onshape models and their mates/activity
: Activity page, where you can mess with the given environment and make your own animation!/example
: Holds a simple activity example of an animation loop
Navigate to
in a shell or text editor to mess with the current environment -
Open a browser window (disable your cache if you haven't already), and go to
Make a quick object in Onshape, right click on the part, hit Export, set the filetype to GLTF and resolution to Coarse, and save it to
If you don't want to make an object, take a look at
folder and use the three.js GLTF Loader to load something into your scene
// Create a new loader object
const loader = new GLTFLoader();
// call the load function within loader
// it takes in the file location within the server and 3 functions as parameters
// the only param that matters is the first one
// the other two print out loading percent to the console window or an error if one occurs
// resource URL, change YOUR_FILE_HERE
gltf is the loaded gltf file, here you can restructure the assembly hierarchy or just immediately add an object to the scene
function ( gltf ) {
// called while loading is progressing
function ( xhr ) {
console.log( ( xhr.loaded / * 100 ) + '% loaded' );
// called when loading has errors
function ( error ) {
console.log( error );
In order to animate something within a scene, you have to modify an object's rotation or position during the animation loop. Here's a sample animation and rendering function that you'll use:
// animate function
function animate(){
// requests an animation frame at around 60Hz
// update any controls object you have to have the ability to rotate the camera
// Here I'm updating an object's rotation attribute to change by .3 rads per frame
// The object is also going to move along the x axis by 2 units per frame
// rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, translateX, translateY, translateZ are all available to use
// on an Object3D class
// translateOnAxis( your_specified_axis, distance ) exists as well
// If you want to query the object's current position, use this
curr_pos = new Vector3(0,0,0);
// update the curr_pos Vector with the object's current world position
// call render
// immediately call animate
// render function
// update the scene and camera to the browser window
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
- Navigate to
to view the example animation. To look at the file locatetestingjavascript/app/static/js/example.js
and try to modify the code to do something new!