
making random things in js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Python 3 and Pipenv



  1. Create a new folder, do pip3 install pipenv -> pipenv shell -> pip3 install flask then clone this repo

  2. flask run and navigate to on your favorite browser

  3. To stop the server, Ctrl-C

  4. To end the virtual environment, use Ctrl-D


  • /: Home page, showcases the FANUC + draggable box IK solver
  • /1: Testing page, testing different Onshape models and their mates
  • /activity: Activity page, where you can mess with the given environment and make your own animation!
  • /example: Holds a simple activity example of an animation loop

How to add your own static files

  1. Navigate to /your/path/to/testingjavascript/app/static/js/activity.js in a shell or text editor to mess with the current environment

  2. Open a browser window (disable your cache if you haven't already), and go to

  3. Make a quick object in Onshape, right click on the part, hit Export, set the filetype to GLTF and resolution to Coarse, and save it to testingjavascript/app/static/gltf/

  4. If you don't want to make an object, take a look at app/static/gltf/ folder and use the three.js GLTF Loader to load something into your scene

How to use GLTFLoader

// Create a new loader object
const loader = new GLTFLoader();

// call the load function within loader
// it takes in the file location within the server and 3 functions as parameters
// the only param that matters is the first one
// the other two print out loading percent to the console window or an error if one occurs
  // resource URL, change YOUR_FILE_HERE 
   gltf is the loaded gltf file, here you can restructure the assembly hierarchy or just immediately add an object to the scene
  function ( gltf ) {
  // called while loading is progressing
  function ( xhr ) {

    console.log( ( xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100 ) + '% loaded' );

  // called when loading has errors
  function ( error ) {

    console.log( error );


Animation Help and Syntax

In order to animate something within a scene, you have to modify an object's rotation or position during the animation loop. Here's a sample animation and rendering function that you'll use:

// animate function
function animate(){

	// requests an animation frame at around 60Hz 

    // update any controls object you have to have the ability to rotate the camera

    // Here I'm updating an object's rotation attribute to change by .3 rads per frame

    // The object is also going to move along the x axis by 2 units per frame

    // rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, translateX, translateY, translateZ are all available to use
    // on an Object3D class

    // translateOnAxis( your_specified_axis, distance ) exists as well 

    // If you want to query the object's current position, use this
    curr_pos = new Vector3(0,0,0);

    // update the curr_pos Vector with the object's current world position

 	// call render

// immediately call animate

// render function
// update the scene and camera to the browser window
function render() {
  renderer.render( scene, camera );

Need Help?

  • Navigate to to view the example animation. To look at the file locate testingjavascript/app/static/js/example.js and try to modify the code to do something new!