
Lua interpreter for Flutter apps.

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Flutter Lua Plugin

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This is a Flutter plugin that embeds a Lua interpreter and runtime for executing dynamic scripts from Flutter apps.


  • Embeds a Lua 5.2 interpreter into your Flutter app.

  • Executes Lua code on a background thread (not on the main UI thread).

  • Supports executing source code snippets from strings as well as from source files bundled in your app's asset bundle.


Android and iOS both.


Checking the Lua runtime version

import 'package:flutter_lua/flutter_lua.dart' show Lua;

print(await Lua.version);

Spawning a new Lua interpreter thread

import 'package:flutter_lua/flutter_lua.dart' show LuaThread;

var thread = await LuaThread.spawn();

Evaluating a Lua code snippet

import 'package:flutter_lua/flutter_lua.dart' show LuaThread;

var thread = await LuaThread.spawn();

await thread.eval("return 6 * 7"); //=> 42.0

Executing a bundled Lua source file

import 'package:flutter_lua/flutter_lua.dart' show LuaThread;

var thread = await LuaThread.spawn();

await thread.execAsset("scripts/myscript.lua");

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does using this plugin increase my final app size?

About 3.8 MiB, at present.


  • Currently the only supported result datatypes from LuaThread#eval*() methods are booleans, floating-point numbers (doubles), and strings. This will be extended further over the next releases.