
A emacs package improves Emacs window system with window moving commands (not moving focus between windows) and window splitting commands that takes addtional options to edit a file or a buffer.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

smart-window v0.6 (beta)

This package improves Emacs window system with window moving commands (not moving focus between windows) and window splitting commands that takes addtional options to edit a file or a buffer.


If you have marmalade or melpa and emacs24 installed, simply type

M-x package-install smart-window

In your .emacs

(require 'smart-window)

If you don't have marmalade installed, add these to your .emacs

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives 
    '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))

M-x eval-buffer to evaluate it, and then do M-x package-refresh-contents to load in the package listing.


smart-window.el provides the following commands

M-x smart-window-move
M-x smart-window-buffer-split
M-x smart-window-file-split
M-x smart-window-rotate

M-x sw-above
M-x sw-below
M-x sw-left
M-x sw-right

and the following key bindings.

C-x w   => smart-window-move
C-x W   => smart-window-buffer-split
C-x M-w => smart-window-file-split
C-x R   => smart-window-rotate
C-x 2   => sw-below
C-x 3   => sw-right

The last two key bindings has overrided default window splitting commands. To switch back to the default, put this in your .emacs file.

(setq smart-window-remap-keys 0)


smart-window-move command move the current window to the edge of the frame. The edge options are left/right/above/below, where below is the default.

For example, if you chose above, then the current window would be at the very top of the frame, using the full width of the screen.

|              |             |
|      W1      |     W2      |
|              |             |
|              |             |
|      W3      |     W4      |
|   (current)  |             |

"choose `above` in smart-window-move

|                            |
|         W3 (current)       |
|                            |
|              |     W2      |
|      W1      +-------------+
|              |     W4      |

It works like closing the current window and attaching a new window to the top edge of the screen.


smart-window-rotate rotates the windows downwards and rightwards. It is bound to C-x R.

|                            |
|         W3 (current)       |
|                            |
|              |     W2      |
|      W1      +-------------+
|              |     W4      |

|                            |
|             W4             |
|                            |
|              |     W1      |
|      W3      +-------------+
|  (current)   |     W2      |


smart-window-buffer-split works like normal window splitting, except that you can pick buffer from the buffer list before you split it and choose which direction to split (left, right, above, and below.) It is bounded to C-x W.

There are four derived functions for smart-window-buffer-split:

  • M-x sw-above allows you to split a window above the current window with the buffer you chose.

  • M-x sw-below allows you to split a window below the current window with the buffer you chose.

  • M-x sw-left allows you to split a window left to the current window with the buffer you chose.

  • M-x sw-right allows you to split a window right to the current window with the buffer you chose.

  • C-x 2 is bounded to sw-below.

  • C-x 3 is bounded to sw-right.


smart-window-file-split is similar to smart-window-buffer-split, except you choose file from minibuffer instead of buffer list. It is bounded to C-x M-w.


Copyright (C) 2013 by Felix Chern

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.