
PHP-based AirComix Server

Primary LanguagePHP


Comix-server is a PHP-based AirComix Server acting just as the Windows version. Originally it was written to run on the Synology NAS. However, it can run on any platforms where HTTP/PHP Server runs, such as Ubuntu Linux or OS X.

Comix-server is only compatible with iOS AirComix app.

How to install

  • put index.php to your web directory (you should use web document root)
  • make subdirectory named as 'manga' and put all things in.

Nginx configuration

rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php;

How to use

  • Copy your comic collection to the manga directory.
  • Start the AirComix app on your iOS devices and add comix-server as an AirComix Server. Select the AirComix Server URL menu to fill in your comix-server information. use 80 port.
  • Enjoy!


Q) Which file formats are supported?
A) Comix-server supports archive formats such as ZIP and CBZ. Also it supports most image formats such as JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF.

Q) Does comix-server support RAR or CBR format?
A) Depends. Your system needs PHP extension for RAR. On Linux, you can easily install it (see http://www.php.net/manual/en/rar.installation.php for more details), but on Synology DSM, it seems very hard to install it. Please let me know if you find a way!

Q) Do I need to uncompress ZIP or CBZ files?
A) No. Like Windows version, just put them in your manga directory. However, comix-server does not handle double-zipped files.

Q) Can I have multiple directories under my manga directory?
A) Yes. You can make any directory structure. One restriction is that image files can be only in a leaf directory, which does not have any child directory.

Q) How can I change the port number?
A) configure your nginx.

Q) How can I change the manga directory?
A) See comments index.php, $parent_path = "manga";

Q) Does comix-server support password protection?
A) Yes, using Apache's basic authentication mechanism. Refer to http://www.cs.duke.edu/csl/faqs/web/basic-auth to know how to configure it. Note that the user name must be AirComix (case sensitve) and .htaccess file should be in /var/services/web/comix where handler.php exists. If there is no htpasswd util in your system, you can create the password file on other machines and copy it to your system.

Q) I cannot see some files under the manga directory. What is the problem?
A) If you have a directory which contains image files as well as ZIP files, move image files (or ZIP files) to another directory. A single directory can have multiple image files or multiple ZIP files, but not both.


Comix-server is free software licensed under GNU GPLv3. Everyone is permitted to copy, modify, and redistribute it.