*************************************************** IMPORTANT! THIS PROJECT IS UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT *************************************************** We are making regular updates that may or may not always play nice with previous versions. Feel free to tinker with the current version but know that we won't be offering a stable v. 1.0 release of the Largo framework until the end of Q1 2013. Feedback, comments and questions to: largo@investigativenewsnetwork.org *************************************************** == ABOUT PROJECT LARGO == Project Largo is a responsive WordPress starter/parent theme designed with the needs of news publisers in mind. The project extends work done by NPR's Project Argo (http://argoproject.org/). Documentation and more information at: http://largoproject.org VERSION: 0.3 == SETUP == * Download and Install WordPress * Download the latest version of the Largo parent theme * Create a child theme and activate from the WordPress appearance menu * Install required/recommended plugins * Configure your theme options in the Appearance > Theme Options menu * Configure your menus and sidebars (also in the Appearance menu) Additionally, you can customize your child theme's CSS by overriding Largo's default styles in the style.css file of your child theme. Future versions of the Largo framework will support more style customizations (color, typography, etc.) via theme options and you might find it useful to recompile a new set of styles from the LESS stylesheets included with the Largo parent theme. == CREDITS == Designed and built by Adam Schweigert (@aschweig) for the Investigative News Network (@INN). * Investigative News Network: http://investigativenewsnetwork.org This project builds on a number of great open source projects, including: * Project Argo: http://argoproject.org/ * Twitter Bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ * LESS CSS: http://lesscss.org/ * Glyphicons: http://glyphicons.com/ * Options Framework: https://github.com/devinsays/options-framework-theme * TGM Plugin Activation Library: https://github.com/thomasgriffin/TGM-Plugin-Activation