
Reference chat server implementation in golang

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is created as a reference for how to build an extremely simple chat server in golang. The single package within implements an IRC style (no scrollback) message board, with just a single chatroom (so far).

The server builds on low-level primitives (posix sockets) for its message delivery, and go channels for the synchronization primitive.

Using it

Start the server:

go install github.com/drzaeus77/go-chat-simple/chat-daemon

Connect a client:

nc localhost 5001
username> bob

Connect another:

nc localhost 5001
username> alice
Hello, everyone!

Check back on the first client:

alice: Hello, everyone!


Tested up to 4 clients so far :)


  • Unit testing
  • Multiple boards