Next JS CMS Build


This project is intended to create a framework for building server-side React JS applications using Next JS with an Express back end. The goal is to create a framework that is easy to use and configure, while providing the best possible user experience. Using this build should allow for building robust, custom applications that allows for search engine optimization, enhanced user experience, and seemless data integration.

How to Run

npm run dev will kick start the development server. More scripts to come.


Build includes

  • Custom Webpack configuration
  • Custom Babel configuration
  • Custom Nodemon configuration
  • Custom Sequelize configuration
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Server side rendering of React
  • Sequelize ORM for MySQL integration
  • Support for environment variables
  • SCSS and global stylesheets


  • Custom ORM wrapper for Sequelize
  • Custom Controller wrapper for universal routing
  • Easy to configure content types
  • Caching
  • Custom SEO components (Analytics, Schema, etc)
  • Testing framework with Mocha/Chai
  • Redux for data integration
  • Webpack Bundle Size Analyzer
  • Multiple Zones
  • Caching support