Urban Forest

Data Science: Civic Data


Mitzi Zitler, Frank Gaunt, Clark Chang

General Plan:

Our project will begin by looking at the relationship between trees (specifically street trees) and house prices in Portland. After a cursory search of relevant literature, it is strikingly obvious that this is an exciting topic that has been looked at from many different angles. We will create unique deliverables by going beyond simply tree effects on house prices, and synthesize the different dependent variables that may be applicable.


We have a comprehensive spatial dataframe of all street trees catalogued by the city and by city volunteers. This dataset is recent, and accounts for all trees catalogued within the last 5-8 years. The ACS dataset has demographic data in unit of census tract - this is racial demographics, household demographics, income, employment, education, etc.


  • March 29th, General Proposal

  • April 5th, Questions Completely Done,

  • April 6th, Tentative Meeting w/ Kristin Bott

  • April 11th, Have Data, Vision for Shiny App

  • May 10th, Symposium