Fall 2016
Instructor: Shishi Luo
Office Hours: Thu 10-11am, 418 Evans Hall
This github contains the class materials for LS 88-3 Genomics and Data Science
If you have trouble obtaining some of the readings via the links, you can find the pdfs on the bcourses site .
Calendar (subject to change)
Aug 30
Intro 1: Let's start at the very beginning
Reading: Mystery of the devious defecator
Sep 6
Intro 2: How is genetic data generated?
Lab: Exploratory analysis of genome sizes, Reading: Genetic tests to minimize chemotherapy
Sep 13
HIV 1: The Berlin patient and the Mississippi baby
Readings: The following reviews on HIV/AIDs Nature Review Genetics review , The Lancet review
Sep 20
HIV 2: The HIV genome
Lab: Starts and stops in the HIV genome
Sep 27
HIV 3: A tale of two genes
Lab: Variation in the Env and Pol genes, Reading: Guilty Sequence
Oct 4
HIV 4: Forensic Phylogenetics
Lab: Matching the HIV sequence to the patient, Reading: My Genome, My Self
Oct 11
Personal Genomics 1: There's a SNP for that
Group project proposal due at beginning of class. Lab: Pre-processing phenotype data
Oct 18
Personal Genomics 2: The statistics behind genome-wide association studies
Lab: Mini GWAS
Oct 25
Personal Genomics 3: The ethics of genetic testing for health and ancestry
Special guest lecture postponed to Nov 15
Nov 1
Forensics 1: The genetics of innocence
Lab: CODIS data set, watch this TED talk
Nov 8
Forensics 2: The genetics of guilt
Nov 15
Forensics 3: Historical samples
Brian Johnsrud will talk about his fieldwork in genetic ancestry studies in Israel and Lebanon
Nov 22
Group presentations
Nov 29
Group presentations
Due date for project report and code
% of grade
Labs (completion only)
'Genomics & data science in the news'
presentation and write-up
Group project
written proposal (10%), final write-up and presentation (30%)