
AirBnB CDC Ingestion Pipeline: Near Real-Time Change Data Capture (CDC) Pipeline on Azure for Seamless Integration of Continuous Data Streams

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

End-to-End Data Engineering: Near Real-Time CDC Pipeline for AirBnB Data on Azure


This project demonstrates the implementation of a near real-time Change Data Capture (CDC) pipeline for processing AirBnB data using various Azure services, ensuring seamless integration and continuous data flow.



Technologies Used

  1. Programming Language: Python
  2. Scripting Language: SQL
  3. NoSQL: CosmosDB
  4. Azure Cloud Platform:
    • Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)
    • Azure Data Factory (ADF)
    • Azure Synapse Analytics

Table of Contents

Section Description
1. Change Data Capture (CDC) Overview of CDC and its importance in transactional and NoSQL databases
2. Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Managing incoming customer data in ADLS
3. Cosmos DB: AirBnB Booking Data Managing AirBnB's backend booking data in Cosmos DB
4. Pipeline 1: Customer Data Processing ADF pipeline for processing customer data
5. Pipeline 2: Booking Data Processing Real-time CDC processing of booking data from Cosmos DB
6. Pipeline 3: Orchestration of Pipelines Executing and orchestrating both pipelines

1. Change Data Capture (CDC)

Change Data Capture (CDC) captures changes (inserts, updates, deletes) from transactional or NoSQL databases. This project implements a CDC pipeline on Azure to enable near real-time data integration of AirBnB's customer and booking data.

2. Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)

In the Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS), incoming CSV files that contain customer updates are stored every 30 minutes. The files are processed, ingested into Synapse DWH for further transformation and analysis and then moved to the archived folder.

3. Cosmos DB: AirBnB Booking Data

The backend of the Python scripts interacts with Cosmos DB, which stores booking data in the Bookings container. A Python script simulates booking data generation. CDC updates triggered by Cosmos DB ensure near-real-time data flow for processing.

4. Pipeline 1: Customer Data Processing

This Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipeline runs every two hours to:

  • Read customer files from ADLS.
  • Move the processed files in the archieved folder.
  • Read the data from CosmosDB for further processing.
  • Delete the file from Dustomer-Raw-Data folder.


5. Pipeline 2: Booking Data Processing

Booking-data-processing This pipeline captures CDC updates from Cosmos DB in near real-time.

  • Perform upsert operations on customer data.
  • Transform the data into a Booking Fact Table.
  • Create a Materialized View using a stored procedure in Synapse for reporting and analysis. It processes booking-related data changes and integrates the data for downstream systems like Azure Synapse for further analysis.


6. Pipeline 3: Orchestration of Pipelines

This pipeline orchestrates the execution of Pipeline 1 (Customer Data Processing) and Pipeline 2 (Booking Data Processing). It triggers Pipeline 1 first, and once it completes successfully, Pipeline 2 is executed.

Orchestration of Pipelines

Scripts and Datasets for the Project

  1. Cosmos DB CDC Script: cosmosdb.py
  2. Customer Data CSV:
  3. Synapse Table Creation Script: create_table_synapse.sql


This project demonstrates an end-to-end data engineering pipeline for processing AirBnB data in near real-time. By leveraging Azure services such as ADLS, ADF, Synapse, and Cosmos DB, the system captures, processes, and transforms customer and booking data seamlessly.