
Primary LanguagePHP

Otto Code Challenge

This coding challenge is designed to test your ability to work with PDO and SQL Queries from within PHP. Within the Challenge class there are several empty method bodies and some comments detailing what each method should do.

There are a few unit tests included in this repo which will double check your code to make sure it fulfills the criteria - You can run these yourself if you like by calling composer test on the command line.

Once you've finished and you're confident you have completed the code challenge push your code to your clone of this repository and send Adam an email (adam@ottooptics.io) with a link to your clone - We'll check it over and get back to you with some feedback.

Required Environment

You will need a machine with PHP, MySQL & Composer installed to complete this challenge. If you don't have these things set up here's a few resources to help;




Refer to your distribution's documentation for PHP, MySQL & Composer

If you already have your own setup in place, you are of course free to use it.

Installation & Setup

  • Clone this repository

  • Install MySQL (if it's not already installed), run the .sql file included in this repo to create a database called otto-code-challenge complete with a dummy data set you'll be building functionality to run queries on.

  • Install dependencies using Composer (if you don't have Composer installed on your machine there's a guide on the official docs)

   composer install
  • Make a copy of the database.config.php.dist file located in the config directory and rename the copy to database.config.php, Adjust the values to match your local machine's database setup

  • Start up a PHP server so you can see the results of your work

   php -S -t public
  • Navigate to localhost:8080 and you should see a blank table with a few table headings

  • Open the Challenge class (located in src/Challenge.php) and write some method bodies that fulfill the requirements given in the comments