
Recency, Frequency, and Monitary tools in R

Primary LanguageR

title author date output
Jim Porzak
April 1, 2017


Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value (aka RFM) in R.

This is a work in progress!

The general goal is to modernize and package the first half of my classic useR! 2008 tutorial Using R for Customer Segmentation (slides 1-40)

Specifically, the detailed goals for rfmr are to have:

  • Sample data sets. The original one plus a sanitized order file from a movie theater
  • Functions to build RFM metrics from a customer order file
  • Functions to visualize these RFM metrics
  • Functions to segment customers based on their RFM metrics
  • Functions to visualize these customer segments
  • Functions to track customers migrating between segments over time and fire off alarms to trigger marketing actions
  • Augment basic RFM with additional engagement metrics such as breadth
  • Vignettes covering
    • Basic RFM methods
    • Using a remote SQL database for the customer data (as opposed to local in-memory tables)
    • Integrating with other marketing systems

"Modernize" above means moving to the "tidyverse"


Subject to user feedback!

  • Initial release will have the first four bullets above implemented against local data and the first vignette.
  • Second release will add customer segment tracking.
  • Third release will add remote SQL database capability.
  • Finally we'll add the integration piece.