
Instances and results for the Critical Node Game

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the synthetic instances and results for the Critical Node Game (Dragotto, Boukhtouta and Lodi, 2022).


The folder results contains the result files:

  • something_full.csv contains the full results for something = real or syn
  • something_aggregate.csv contains the aggregate results for something = real or syn


The folder synthetic_instances contains the instances. Specifically, for each instance:

  • The file instance_n-k.csv contains the instance parameters given n as the number of nodes and k as the instance number. Please, be aware you should only consider the last two rows
  • The files instance_n-k-nodes_costsA and instance_n-k-nodes_costsD.txt contains the parameters $p^a$ and $p^d$, respectively.
  • The files instance_n-k-nodes_weightsA and instance_n-k-nodes_weightsD.txt contains the parameters $a$ and $d$, respectively.
  • The file instance_n-k-nodes_traffic.txt contains the traffic vector from which we generate the other parameters (e.g., $a$ and $p^a$). This is not necessarily useful for reproducibility.