Pinned issues
- 8
- 1
Segfault in Set Cover generator
#374 opened by nkrit1 - 0
Segfault on deleting tuple with observation, action, reward in example/libecole/src/branching.cpp
#373 opened by nkrit1 - 5
Unable to install Ecole 0.8.x via conda
#341 opened by tegg89 - 1
- 4
'ecole.core.observation.NodeBipartiteObs' object has no attribute 'variable_features'
#364 opened by nguyenminhtuong - 0
Has the dimension of the attributes row_features, edgd_features, and variable_features changed?
#372 opened by TianXuan1zxh - 3
Unable to deep copy environment
#338 opened by xtjjyygy - 0
obs, action_set, reward, done, info = env.reset(instance) returns 'None' in obs, action_set and 'True' in done variables in set cover problem.
#369 opened by azraaziz00 - 0
model.as_pyscipopt() error!
#368 opened by yigeNNU - 0
- 3
Getting unreasonably large values for the Khalil feature rows_neg_coefs_mean
#356 opened by SelinBayramoglu - 2
install error
#317 opened by zengqg - 2
libgcc issue during installation
#363 opened by nguyenminhtuong - 3
- 0
How can I use the Ecole to includeNodesel() callback
#360 opened by xtjjyygy - 0
Installation error in Google Colab
#359 opened by jatin-k31 - 1
- 0
Khalil Features Reproducibility
#314 opened by amf272 - 2
Example corrupts with segmentation fault.
#342 opened by ben-xj - 2
Hard-coded vanilla strong branching does not get the same performance as SCIP vanilla strong branching
#335 opened by margotcosson - 2
- 1
Suppport MacOS ARM64
#336 opened by Wuwuww - 4
installation error
#329 opened by LeonaireHo - 1
when will ecole support SCIP 8.0.0 version
#333 opened by xtjjyygy - 1
- 1
Getting `nan` while training
#324 opened by sleepymalc - 1
installation error
#320 opened by AyachiOmarChaima - 2
Saving instance generated by ecole
#312 opened by sleepymalc - 4
- 1
About cut selection support.
#319 opened by only-changer - 2
AttributeError: 'ecole.core.observation.NodeBipartiteObs' object has no attribute 'variable_features'
#310 opened by ZhiweiShan - 0
Document how to make a release
#309 opened by AntoinePrv - 1
- 0
Setting Solver Verbosity
#256 opened by AntoinePrv - 2
Failed building wheel for ecole on Windows
#293 opened by ZedongPeng - 0
Load and solve VRP instances
#292 opened by AntoinePrv - 0
Erroneous comment
#291 opened by gasse - 1
- 2
- 3
PySCIPOpt callbacks and Model lifetime
#225 opened by gasse - 2
- 0
- 2
- 0
Inconsistent default for pseudo_candidates
#238 opened by gasse - 7
can ecole use cplex/gurobi as options for LP solvers during the Branching process?
#258 opened by stardustwls - 0
Error adding event handlers
#264 opened by AntoinePrv - 0
The availablity for from_pyscipopt() function
#252 opened by jp18813100494 - 0
Add flag to `Khalil2016` to choose to extract all candidates or pseudo candidates
#224 opened by AntoinePrv - 0
Cannot run tests with dev/ (script error)
#230 opened by dchetelat