
Unsupervised spikesorting using Wave_clus 3

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Vicario Lab Spike Sorting & Data Pre-Processing (Efe's setup)

Multi-unit, single-unit detection and conversion to .npz data for flexible and efficient analysis in Python.


  1. Single-unit detection: spike sorting. Use matlab script vicario_lab_spikesorting.m, which calls wave_clus3 for fully unsupervised spike sorting.
  2. Multi-unit detection: thresholded MUA. Use spike2 script STD_Threshold2Matlab.s2s.
  3. Export MUA & SUA data stored .smr files into .mat format. Use spike2 script Spike2Matlab_AllChannel_Batch_v0.1.s2s or use the export function in STD_Threshold2Matlab.s2s.
  4. Combine data from master & slave computer based on filenames. Use matlab script combine_efe_left_right.m.
  5. For each experiment condition (recording session, corresponds to one pair of .smr files from master and slave computer), combine data from different birds and store the data in .npz format. Use functions in mdlab.py.
  6. Analyze data in Python based on mdlab.py.


I. Raw data organization

  1. Copy all .smr files from the Master and Slave computer into one folder.
    • This folder should only contains .smr files and no other files/subfolders.
  2. Name recording files according to convention [BirdID]_[M/S][L/R]_[Experiment]_[extra].smr.
    • Square brackets are used for notation purprose only. Do NOT use it in your filename. Underscore _ is used to separate different parts of the filename.
    • [BirdID] must consist of EXACTLY 5 characters, with 2 capital letters follwed by 3 arabic numerals. E.g., RD001.
    • [M/S][L/R]: M/S represents Master and Slave computer, respectively. L/R represents Left and Right hemisphere. E.g., ML represents recording from the Master computer, which is connected to the electrodes in the left hemisphere. SR represents recording from the Slave computer, which is connected to the electrodes in the right hemisphere.
    • [experiment]_[extra] is optional and can be used to contain extra information about the recording. E.g., experiment name/condition/date.
    • A pair of recording from the Master and Slave computer may look like: RD001_MR_variant.smr & RD001_SL_variant.smr.
    • The filenames of the data from the Master & Slave computer in the same recording session/condition should be identical except the [M/S][L/R] field. This is essential for combining data from Master and Slave computer.
  3. Increase the number of "free" channels that each .smr file can store to 300.
    • Both Multi-units & single-units are stored as wavemark channels in .smr files. Number of "free" channels in a .smr file determines how much wavemark channels can be writtent. Therefore, it is important to ensure each .smr file has enough free channels to hold the detected multi-unit and single-unit produced in the following spike-sorting thresholding procedure.
    • Run increase_free_channels.s2s in Spike2 to increase the number of free channels to 300 that the .smr files in the folder can hold. The script is in the Spike2Matlab folder.
    • Note, if the latest configuration files were used during data acquisition, the number of free channels is around 300 and there is no need to do this step.

II. Spike-sorting

  1. See below for important dependencies for the scripts in this step to work.
  2. Run vicario_lab_spikesorting.m for conduct fully automated spike-sorting.
  3. If the script is used for the 1st time on a new computer, one first has to change the script and matlab path.
    • Add Spike_Sorting folder and its subfolders to Matlab path.
    • Change param.CED64_path has to be the directory where CEDS64ML is located.
    • Criteria forvalid SUA can also be changed in param struct. E.g., number of minimum spikes required, threshold for contamination rate (percentage of inter-spike intervals less than 2ms).
  4. Detected single-units are stored as wavemark channels in the original .smr files.
    • If one runs spike-sorting several times on the same .smr files, multiple copies of SUA will be written into the .smr files as wavemark channels.
  5. In the .smr file, detected SUA wavemark channel has prefix su. e.g., su_3_1 means the 1st classes sorted from channel 3.
    • Channel number = elecctrode number + 1.
    • (optional) In the .smr file, MUA detected by wave_clus3 has prefix mu. mu_3 means MUA from channel 3. channel 3 corresponds to electrode 2. This is used to distinguish the MUA detected from those in Spike2 (next step).
  6. Note:
    • Spikesorting often takes a long time and may need to run over night or several days, depending on the amount of data to be processed. It is recommended to first test a few files before running on all files.
    • For long recordings, spike-sorting uses a lot of RAM and insufficient ram will make the whole process significantly slower. A minimum of 16GB RAW is recommended. 32GB will be enough for most cases.

III. Thresholded Multi-unit detection

  1. Run STD_Threshold2Matlab.s2s in Spike2 to obtain thresholded multi-units.
    • Change X at line var NumStd := X; to what threshold is used for MUA detection. The default is 2.
    • The advantage of using STD_Threshold2Matlab.s2s over wave_clus3 is that we have explicit control of the threshold used for action potential detection.
  2. Detected multi-unit action potentials are also stored as wavemark channels in the original .smr files.
    • If thresholding scripts were run several times on the same .smr files, multiple copies of MUA will be written into the .smr files as wavemark channels.
  3. In the .smr file, detected MUA wavemark channel has prefix nw. nw-4 means MUA from channel 4, detected by thresholding.

IV. Export MUA & SUA (wavemark channels) to .mat files.

  1. Run Spike2Matlab_AllChannel_Batch_v0.1.s2s in Spike2 to export desired channels to .mat files.
    • One can specify what channels will be exported by changing parameters in the script. The default is all wavemark channels, trig, IDstim, & sound channels.
    • Because both MUA & SUA are stored as wavemark channels, one must first do both spike-sorting SUA and thresholded MUA for this script to export both to .mat files.
  2. STD_Threshold2Matlab.s2s also has a var exportflag% := X; that can be used to export data to .mat files.
    • The default is X=0, which does not export.
    • If changed to X=1, the script will detect thresholded MUA, write them into wavemark channels, and then export all wavemark channels to .mat files. Note, at this step, if spike-sorting has not been completed, the SUA wavemark channels do not exist yet and the exported .mat files will only contain MUA data.
  3. After this step, all .mat files will be in a folder.
  4. Run spikesorting first and then thresholding can make the analysis easier.
    • If one wants to threshold and spikesorting second, do not export during thresholding. Instead, use Spike2Matlab_AllChannel_Batch_v0.1.s2s to export both MUA and SUA data after both procedure is done.
    • One could also use Spike2Matlab_AllChannel_Batch_v0.1.s2s to selectively export only SUA or MUA by skipping spike-sorting or thresholding.

V. Combine data from Master and Slave and simplify the data.

  1. Run combine_efe_left_right.m in Matlab to combine the data from "master" & "slave" computer.
    • When prompted, select the folder where exported .mat files are stored from the previous step.
    • Note, the filename from the master and slave computer must follow the naming convention specified above (part 1).
    • After combination, a new folder contains keyword matrix will be created within the original .mat folder.
    • Combined data will be stored in this new matrix folder. The filenames of the .mat file should not contain [M/S][L/R] if data from Master and Slave computer both exist and form a "pair".
  2. In case filenames from the Master & Slave computer do not match OR data from Slave computer are missing, the script will only process data from the Master computer and skip those from Slave computer.
    • If only data from the Master computer is processed, the output .mat files in the matrix folder will contain M[L/R].
  3. The newly created .mat files inside the matrix folder will be used for further analysis.

VI. Combine data from different bird in the same condition.

  1. Organize the .mat files from previous step in different folders based on the experiment condition. E.g., each condition should have a folder contains .mat data from different birds.
  2. Run mat2npz.py in Python to combine data from different birds and save data in .npz format.
    • After this step, for each experiment condition, you should only have .npz file that contains data from all birds.
    • .npz file contains the spike trains from each trial, what the stimulus code is, how the stimulus waveform looks like (extracted from the sound channel in the Master computer). For single-unit, it also contains its average spike waveform, which can be used to classify a unit into wide/narrow type.


Spike-sorting in Matlab.

  1. Developed with Matlab 2016b (may or may not work on other versions).
  2. Spike2 MATLAB SON Interface (included) is required to read and modify .smr files.
  3. Wave_clus 3 (as 2018-11-11) https://github.com/csn-le/wave_clus
  4. Some functions in wave_clus.m has been modified. Including but not limited to:
    • wave_clus_OpeningFcn()
    • load_data_button_Callback()
  5. Signal processing toolbox of Matlab may be required.

Data analysis in Python.

  1. Developed with Python 2.7 in Anaconda.
  2. Whenever mdlab.py is needed, it has to be included in the same folder as the script that is being executed. e.g., see mat2npz.py.


  1. In helper_spike2_scripts, scripts can delete old wavemark channels, add free channels, threshold to detect spikes, and export wavemark channels to matlab format.
  2. Alternatively, one could use neo package in Python to directly read .smr files.

Things to do

  1. Add a tutorial about how to use mdlab.py to analyze spike train data.
  2. Support recording with gaps.

multiple trials (experimental, do not change!)

  1. Run wave_clus through vicario_lab_spikesorting.

    global flag; flag.MUA = 1; flag.SUA = 0; flag.trial = 0;

  2. For each channel, run wave_clus N times. During each iteration:

    1. Run wave_clus.

      • If no spikes detected, flag.MUA = -1

      • If spikes detected, flga.MUA = 1.

      • If SUA classified, flag.SUA = # of SUA

      • Otherwise, flag.SUA = 0

      • in all cases, flag.trial += 1

    2. If no spikes detected, ()

      • break the loop and continue to next channel.
    3. If spikes detected and SUA detected,

      • break the loop and continue to next channel.
    4. If spikes detected but the number of sorted SUA is 0.

      • loop again.