AdventJS Challenges


adventJS is a @midudev initiative


Day Title Solution Level Points
#01 First gift repeated! result Easy 150
#02 We start the factory result Easy 270
#03 The naughty elf result Easy 330
#04 Turn the parentheses around result Medium 250
#05 Santa's CyberTruck result Medium 150
#06 The reindeer on trial result Easy 270
#07 The 3D Boxes result Easy 190
#08 Sorting the warehouse result Medium 210
#09 Switch the lights result Easy 190
#10 Create your own Christmas tree result Easy 160
#11 The studious elves result Medium 40
#12 It is a valid copy result Medium 25
#13 Calculating the time result Easy 80
#14 Avoid the alarm result Medium --
#15 Autonomous Robot result Medium 25
#16 Friday deployment result Easy 25
#17 Optimizing the rental result Easy 140
#18 The Digital clock result Hard 25
#19 Face the sabotage result Medium 25
#20 Distribute the weight result Hard 25
#21 Binary message result Medium 210
#22 Programming language result Easy 50
#23 Christmas dinner result Easy 50
#24 Jump on the stairs result Medium 40
#25 Calculating distances result Medium


In order to execute Unit Test, first of all you need to install Jest dependency by running:

npm install

And then, you can run test by typing:

  npm run test