
Small program to store your react redux store or stores in local storage or session storage

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This middelware script saves your redux state to either localStorage or sessionStorage. It will also rehydrate your state tree if you leave and come back. I am currently using it against 6 stores with a bit of api/storage needs, and its' not slow. I think we are good on performance. Though it should be known, I just want to make clear that you can always blow out the storage by running: window.sessionStorage.removeItem("YOUR STORAGE NAME") or, window.localStorage..etc..


Please go to npm, and pick up the package.

  • In your "store" creation file - the file where you instantiate your middleware.
  • Pass in the method "watch" as middleware, for the middleware arrray.
  • Use "hydrateState()" for the initial load of the store. If it exists (your storage), lets hydrate the state, otherwise give initial state (which should be your default. I have it here in the initial store file. You will also have that varialble in each of your reducer files. Just being clear.

import { createStore,
         applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import logger              from 'redux-logger'
import thunk               from 'redux-thunk'
import smoothStorage       from 'redux-smooth-storage'

// All reducers import rootReducer from '../reducers'

import { STORAGE_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE } from '../constants/global'

const storage = smoothStorage(STORAGE_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE) const initialState = {} // destructure here const { watch, hydrateState } = storage

const middleware = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? [watch, thunk] : [watch, logger(), thunk ]

const store = applyMiddleware(...middleware)(createStore)(rootReducer, hydrateState() || initialState )

export default store


TODO: this is immensely important, but I just didn't have the time to implement atm. I will revisit shortly.





This is the method in the middleware creation. It grabs the current state, stringifies it, and puts it into storage.


We try to retrieve the storage. If not there, return false. We should use initialState.


Standard way to programmatically delete the storage, for whatever reason you may have - within your app. Perhaps on page exit, or onunload - you can delete it.

How to use?

In the example above, I have constants from another file, BUT - you do not have to. You can just pass in the string names etc.. right there, like so

If you do not pass a second arg, it will default to: localStorage
  const storage = smoothStorage("mySmoothStorage")

If you want sessionStorage, passs it in like so:
  const storage = smoothStorage("mySmoothStorage", "sessionStorage")
You can pass in "localStorage", you just don't have to:
  const storage = smoothStorage("mySmoothStorage", "localStorage")

I then destructure -> ES6, and pluck off the method and use that. But you can, of course, use the obj.methodName reference too:

-> so, watch, goes in your middleware array, like so, if destructuring

const {  watch,
      } = storage
const middleware = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ?
    [watch, thunk] :
    [watch, logger(), thunk ]      

or, if you didn't destruct, you'd use:

 const middleware = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ?
    [storage.watch, thunk] :
    [storage.watch, logger(), thunk ]

please note: I am using "thunk, logger()", for example purposes only as "other" middleware. Your own app will have others.

#TODO: Run storage on promises, for situations in where larger datasets are used.