DKP Discord Bot

Three channels need to be set up for the bot to work:

  • the raid category for channels that will be used for messaging.
  • raid-attendance channel for raid attendance display.

Server role required:

  • officer for member that can send dkp management commands to bot.

A good rule of thumb: set discord nickname to match your character name in game. The bot will use your nickname for registering for raids and tracking attendance.

First time Setup

  • Run the command !setup fresh to make the necessary emojis and set up the attendance channel.

Seting up a Raid

  • Schedule a raid with the !schedule YYYY-MM-DD command in advance.
    • Players can now sign up by clicking on the emote under the raid message.
  • Close to the start of the raid, lock signups with the !raidlock RAID_ID command, and start in-game invites.
  • Make sure the Discord raid roster message is up to date with who is actually in the in-game raid group by using the !raidadd RAID_ID NAME and !raidremove RAID_ID NAME commands.
  • Run the !raidstart RAID_ID command to track attendance numbers.


Scopes Needed:

  • bot

Premissions Needed:

  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Attach Files
  • Read Message History
  • Use External Emojis
  • Add Reactions
  • Manage Emojis
  • View Channels

Linux Setup:

git clone
cd raid-signup-bot
npm install
vim .env

sudo npm install -g forever
forever start server.js
crontab -u <USERNAME> -e
  > @reboot /usr/local/bin/forever start /home/<USERNAME>/raid-signup-bot/server.js

Update Commands:

cd raid-signup-bot
git reset --hard
git pull --rebase origin master
forever restartall