Image Processing - Final Project (2019-1)

Update (24/06/2019)

  • Added the folder MSAA which contains an script that applies the MSAA algorithm to an input image;

  • Added the folder FXAA which contains an script that applies the FXAA algorithm to an input image;

  • Added some output pictures from the MSAA and the FXAA algorithm, available at the folders CSGO, Minecraft and Paladins;

  • Added the folder Montages that contains the output of different AA algorithms for the same scene, for comparison purposes;

  • Added the pdf file for the final report.

Update (19/06/2019)

  • Added the folder Presentation - Slideshow which contains the images used in the presentation of the project.

Updates (29/05/2019)

  • Added the folder Supersampling which contains an script that supersamples an image, and some input and output image examples;

  • Added the folder Images. Each folder contained in the folder Images contains images of three different games. The images which name start with "Output" were generated by our code. The other ones were generated by a native image processing tool in the games;

  • Added the pdf file for the partial report.

Title: Implementing and Comparing Anti-aliasing Algorithms.

Names: Alex Sander Ribeiro da Silva (9779350)
Danilo Marques Araujo dos Santos (8598670)

Abstract: Anti-aliasing consists in a techique designed to add greater realism to a digital image by smoothing jagged edges on curved lines and diagonals. It is largely used in games, digital photography and computer graphics. The objective of this project is to implement and compare different anti-aliasing algorithms regarding their effectiveness.