
This repository holds the first project of the RCOM curricular unit (Computer Networks).

Primary LanguageC


This folder contains the base code of the serial port protocol.

Contributors and Grade

Grade: 20/20

Project Structure

  • bin/: Compiled binaries.
  • src/: Source code for the implementation of the link-layer and application layer protocols. Students should edit these files to implement the project.
  • include/: Header files of the link-layer and application layer protocols. These files must not be changed.
  • cable/: Virtual cable program to help test the serial port. This file must not be changed.
  • main.c: Main file. This file must not be changed.
  • Makefile: Makefile to build the project and run the application.
  • penguin.gif: Example file to be sent through the serial port.

Instructions to Run the Project

  1. Edit the source code in the src/ directory.
  2. Compile the application and the virtual cable program using the provided Makefile.
  3. Run the virtual cable program (either by running the executable manually or using the Makefile target):
    $ sudo ./bin/cable_app
    $ sudo make run_cable
  4. Test the protocol without cable disconnections and noise
    • 4.1 Run the receiver (either by running the executable manually or using the Makefile target):

       $ ./bin/main /dev/ttyS11 rx penguin-received.gif
       $ make run_tx
    • 4.2 Run the transmitter (either by running the executable manually or using the Makefile target):

       $ ./bin/main /dev/ttyS10 tx penguin.gif
       $ make run_rx
    • 4.3 Check if the file received matches the file sent, using the diff Linux command or using the Makefile target:

       $ diff -s penguin.gif penguin-received.gif
       $ make check_files
  5. Test the protocol with cable disconnections and noise
    • 5.1. Run receiver and transmitter again
    • 5.2. Quickly move to the cable program console and press 0 for unplugging the cable, 2 to add noise, and 1 to normal
    • 5.3. Check if the file received matches the file sent, even with cable disconnections or with noise