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Logseq Banners plugin

Enliven your Logseq Workspace with gorgeous, custom, Notion style page banners and icons


  • You can set image & icon via plugin settings or via page props
  • Hide plugin related page props for more clean view
  • Banners and icons default sizes
  • Banners and icons default vertical align
  • Separate settings for journals and common pages
  • Preconfigured widgets:
    • 📅 Calendar (via "Block calendar") plugin support
    • 🌤 Weather
    • 🍅 Pomodoro
    • 💬 Random quote
  • Options for widgets off / journals / everywhere
  • Separate settings for each widget


  • Install the plugin from the Logseq plugin marketplace
  • Configure a default images and icons in "Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Banners"
  • Customize the banner image on special page via the page props:
    • banner:: https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/1146672.jpg
  • Local assets supported also:
    • add image in Logseq note and just copy it's path to props 🎉
    • for ex. banner:: ../assets/image_1656373162335_0.png
  • To avoid Logseq show banner preview in props area - wrap it with doublequotes!
    • banner:: "http://........"
  • To disable default banner - just delete URL from settings
  • To hide banner image on some pages use:
    • banner:: false
  • Sometimes important banner parts cropped on default vertical align "50%" (center), so you can do fine tune with page props:
    • top: banner-align:: 0%
    • bottom: banner-align:: 100%
  • Customize the page icon on a per page basis via the page props:
    • page-icon:: 💸
    • or use native Logseq icon:: 💸
  • To disable default icon - just delete emoji from settings


  • All customizations (a lot!) can be done from plugin settings ("Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Banners") in nice grouped blocks:
  • Example for advanced settings (JSON) for custom page types: "Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Banners -> Advanced settings -> Advanced custom pages banners and icons config -> Edit settings.json"



  • Install "Block calendar" plugin from Logseq Marketplace
  • Go to installed plugin settings ""Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Block calendar"
  • Set "Always render" to #banner-widgets-calendar banner placeholder


  • Go to Indify – Notion Widgets, Sign Up
  • Choose "Weather widget", set your city
  • Set "Number of days" - 2
  • ⚠ Copy YOUR personal widget ID and replace default in plugin Settings!

Random quote

  • Set your #tag in plugin Settings

Custom HTML (iframes, etc...)! (you can set your own, here is some pre-configured):

For more tune use your own custom.css to position widgets iframes inside of banner area via CSS position:absolute & top/right/bottom/left.

Unsplash API tips

  • You can use them as default page/journal banner:
    • Random featured: https://source.unsplash.com/featured/1600x900
    • Photo of the day: https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/daily
    • Search terms. Add comma separated terms after ? at the end (for default settings or in props at specific page): https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900?red,house

For ex. "Default journal banner" - https://source.unsplash.com/featured/1600x900?diary

What is Logseq?

Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base. Visit https://logseq.com for more information.

