
Simple captcha solver based on TensorFlow library

Primary LanguagePython



Simple scripts for captcha cracking with convolution neural network via TensorFlow.

Aimed at the six-digit captcha from Russian federal migration service.

Accuracy for single digit is about 95%

Requirements (Python packages)

  • tensorflow >= 0.12.1
  • Pillow >= 4.2.1


There are training and test data samples in the archives:

  • data_train.tar.xz contains 9.000 images
  • data_test.tar.xz contains 450 images

Both samples contains marked images, so you can easily change proportion between them.

How to launch scripts

  • Unpack both archives
  • python single_digit.py - run with the network for recognizing single digit
  • python all_digits.py - run with the network for recognizing whole captcha