
Useful TeX, LaTeX and BibTeX things

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Useful TeX, LaTeX and BibTeX things

Personal usage notes: mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst/ mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/ mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/

ln -s $HOME/Documents/TeXstuff/bst ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst/mybst 
ln -s $HOME/Documents/TeXstuff/sty ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/mysty
ln -s $HOME/Documents/TeXstuff/Main.bib ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/
ln -s $HOME/Documents/TeXstuff/images ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/  #sig goes in there too

Engines go in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ bin/latexmkrcshell goes in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ (this is just a reminder - should just do a straight copy of the current latexmkrcedit in there and enable shell.

Bibdesk migration: copy: ~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/ ~/Library/Preferences/edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk.plist

may be needed: defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk.plist